
Access keys

To navigate the website without a mouse, you can use the following access keys:

h   Home

0   Self-Directed Support

1   How We Can Support You

2   Training

3   Payroll

4   Digital Stories

5   Resources

6   Job Vacancies

7   Pathway for Self-Directed Support

e   Calendar

k    Accessibility

c   Contact Us

p   Privacy Policy

d   Donate with Just Giving

How to use the access keys:

Web Browser Modifier Effect
Amaya ^ Ctrl or Alt
Blazer None Element is activated immediately upon key press.
Camino ^ Ctrl
Chrome Alt on Windows, FreeBSD, and Linux (Note: Alt+ Shift is required in some circumstances)^ Ctrl + Opt on Mac
Firefox Alt+ Shift on Windows, FreeBSD and Linux^ Ctrl on Mac (up to v14.0)^ Ctrl+ Opt on Mac (v14.0.1 and higher)
Internet Explorer Alt Prior to IE8, Alt + Access Key focused on the element, but required Enter to be pressed in order to activate the element. This is still the case for hyperlinks in version 9.
Konqueror ^ Ctrl The modifier key must be released before the regular key is pressed.
Opera None ( Shift+ Esc) must be pressed before The modifier key must be released before the regular key is pressed. Once the modifier key is released, browser lists the set of access keys on that page with action and user can hit the desired key.
Safari 3 ^ Ctrl for Mac Alt for Windows
Safari 4 and higher ^ Ctrl+ Opt on Mac Alt on Windows